Thursday, June 27, 2013

Final Days

This year in Chile has quickly slipped away from me. I remember when I was able to countdown the months and weeks and now I am just left with days. It has been quite a year filled with many memories, new friendships, the longing to go home, many tears, joy, happiness, unforgettable trips and now the wanting to stay longer. Some days it all feels like a dream. I knew that eventually the last days would come, but it doesn't feel real that they are already here and it's already time to go home. It's very bittersweet.

Thanks to all of my readers who have followed my blog this year! It means a lot! And thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way. I couldn't have done it without all of you! Truly an unforgettable year! VIVA CHILE MIERDA!

1 comment:

  1. Emma,
    So happy that you are on your way home to us, but I can only imagine how difficult it will be to leave. You have a year of amazing memories! So many captured in your beautiful photography! Can't wait to see you in Boston - tomorrow!!! love, love, love you!
    PS Great to see the "Fab Five" together again!
