Friday, April 12, 2013

Quick Catch Up

It's been a while since I have posted what is going on in my life here in Chile. It is sadly becoming  real that my time here is slipping away. I know I still have 3 or so months left, but that is truly nothing. My family is visiting in about a month! I am beyond excited to see them, it has been way too long! I figured it out though, after their visit I only have 4 weeks left in Chile. Whoa. Like I say to some of my friends, I couldn't even picture myself sitting here in the first weeks of April 8 months ago in August when I first arrived. I didn't think the time would ever pass by, but like I have said before, it has passed by rapidly. I wish it would slow down a bit! I feel like I have so much more to do before I leave. But leaving is something I don't want to think about, at all!

Recently, or in the past month or so...I have changed families and started school again! I am now living with my third host family in Chile. They are great people. It is a big family of 7, although 4 of my older siblings live in Santiago together going to college. At home I have a younger sister, 15, she is awesome! I can honestly say this is the first time I have really felt like a part of a family and felt confident in asking for help from them. It makes me happy to be able to say that and to mean it. I am really excited for my real family to meet them.

School started again in March. It was great to be back after a pretty boring summer. I was so excited to see all of my classmates and friends again. Although it is extremely boring at times I am really trying to push myself to not be so lazy in school and try my best. Being at school here though has made me realize how much I really do miss school back in the States. I love school and when you aren't able to participate and understand everything it gets upsetting after a while. School is honestly one thing I do look forward to going back too, but I wish I could bring all of my Chilean classmates. They are all amazing. I love them so much! Like I always say, they keep me laughing and my spirits high!

 I continue to look forward to what these next months bring to me as my exchange starts to sadly come to an end. People phrase an exchange year by; It's not 1 year in a life, it's a life in 1 year.  I think that phrase could perfectly describe an exchange year abroad. You fit so many new experiences into such a short amount of time. You learn a new language, culture, and ways of life. I can still remember my first days at school when everyone was asking me questions and trying to get to me and I could barely communicate. And now I am able to look back and think, wow, look how far I have come. You grow so much as a person during your time abroad.  For me, I have really found a better sense of who I am. From being surrounded by such strange things and customs you have to adapt and change a bit. You begin to live in two different worlds. Chile and Vermont are two separate worlds for me, and in a sense I am the same person, but I am also completely different in ways as well. I have grown up so much here, and continue to explore who I can become without all of my natural surroundings. It's like you are dropped off in the wild! But, one day your exchange year will sadly come to an end and that is when your year is over. You have memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. It's an amazing year, and I am so happy that it's a "life" I get to live.

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