Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chao Verano

Goodbye summer. It is painful to have to write that! My first, and last summer in Chile is unfortunately coming to an end.  It was a relaxing summer for the most part with some very memorable moments as well! I traveled to Argentina with my class from school for a week. What an amazing trip that was and a perfect way to start my summer off! While being there I was able to cross two items off of my "Bucket List", traveling to Argentina and riding a horse! At the end of January I celebrated my first ever summer birthday with my best friends here. I also changed host families, which was for the best. And of course numerous days spent poolside enjoying the sunshine! 

Summer coming to an end only means one thing, school is starting again! Classes start on Tuesday, bright and early in the morning! I would be lying to say that I wasn't looking forward to going back. I miss being occupied and with my friends all day. Lets be honest though, I have not missed waking up so early! I can already tell it will be a rough morning having to get up at an hour I haven't seen in such some time! And I have mixed feelings about whether or not I miss my school uniform! Tuesday will be an eventful day!

I honestly thought the summer months here would go by a lot slower. It is crazy to know that it is already March! I still can't figure out where the time has gone! I never thought, in August, when I arrived that I would be looking back at almost 7 months in Chile. It's also very bittersweet to think that I only have 4 short months here. In an exchange students perspective, 4 months is basically nothing! I don't want to waste a single opportunity in the coming months! My time to really shine here in Chile!

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