Friday, November 23, 2012

Quick Bump in the Road

The build up to my first holiday away from home was difficult for me. It was hard for me to see my family all together via skype and knowing that I am missing out on Thanksgiving. Missing the holiday with my family was difficult and I am sure most holidays away from home will be for me, but I was quickly reminded of how grateful I am. How grateful I am for my family and for my friends and how grateful I truly am for this exchange. I had some moments in school this week where some tears were shown during class and I was reminded how much my classmates are really my other family. All asking if I was ok, hugging me and telling me that they will always be there for me and that they are my family here as well. It meant so much to me. The same goes for my host family. They are incredible and have made me feel so at home.

 Although I didn't have any turkey or pumpkin pie this year I still have so many things to be grateful for. This exchange is an adventure of a lifetime and I am living a dream. I am so lucky to be able to share my exchange with three of my closest friends that are exchange students right now as well. I am so grateful for this opportunity and for the people that are supporting me through my exchange and I can't thank them enough for everything they are doing and have done for me!

Just a quick bump in the road and just one day after the holiday I am back to being myself. Happy and completely content here in Chile. Still loving every minute of every day!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Updates!

The past week or so have been quite busy! Staying busy is the best though. Last week on Thursday night grades 2 and 3, so in the American world, sophomores and juniors had a Latin American dance performance for gym class. And of course I took part! My class had been rehearsing and practicing for close to a month or so. The origin of our dance was Brazil. It was a lot of dancing, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.  I still can’t dance like these South American kids can. These kids have moves, I do not!  Always a little embarrassing dancing alongside them, but still a lot of fun! We had to wear these extremely short, neon ruffled skirts. They would not be my first choice for anything, but I guess now I have another item I can bring to summer camp or wear for Halloween! It was just one night, and it was a fun night too! All worth it! 

This past weekend I went to Linares, which is about an hour and a half bus ride from Chillan.  I went to visit another exchange student, Korey! It was really nice to be able to meet her family and friends and see where she is living for the year. It is nice to get to know another city. We went into the center to hang out with some friends and that night we went to one of her classmate’s birthday’s where we got to meet more people. It’s fun to talk and to meet new people! It is always fun when the exchange students are together! Linares is a lot different, I think, compared to Chillan where I am living. Linares seemed a lot smaller with fewer people. Still a nice town though.  I am very jealous too. No one speaks English there so she is speaking Spanish 24/7. I love having other exchange students and other students that I am able to communicate with, but it is really hard in school to not go a day without speaking English. Although I may not be speaking as much Spanish as she is I can still see how much I am improving, I just wish it was a faster process sometimes! 

Next weekend I am headed on my first big Rotary trip! I am going to the south of Chile, Patagonia! I am so excited to see the mountains and just be there. From my understanding it is with most of the Rotary students that are currently in Chile right now. I am looking forward to meeting so many new people and of course more pins for the blazer! Always a bonus! It should be really fun; I hope this week goes by fast! I am so excited for the trip! If you have a chance, Google “Torres del Paine”, that is where I am headed for a week! Absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous!

The weather is starting to feel like summer. School is coming to an end as well, only a little over a month or so! I am extremely excited for the hot weather. It is still weird to me that Christmas this year I will be wearing shorts and sweating instead of wearing sweaters and watching the snow fall! Days continue to fly by, and I continue to enjoy myself every single day here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

3 Month Mark

I have hit the 3 month in Chile. It literally feels just like yesterday that I was crying my eyes out saying goodbye to my parents for the year as I got in line for security at the airport. Tears of sadness and excitement. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew I was about to have the experience of a lifetime. Time is going by extremely fast, but I am loving every single minute. I am so happy with where I am. There have been many ups and downs in my exchange. Days where I wish I could just be back in Vermont. Days where I wish I already spoke fluent Spanish. Days where I could be joking around with friends from home. Although there have been downs, there have been so many ups. All I need to do is go look around and just say to myself, "I am 16 years old studying abroad in a foreign country." And I feel pretty good about myself and where I am at. The happiest I've ever been.

In the last 3 months I really have had memories that will last forever. I have taken thousands of pictures of basically every moment. I have made friends that I already know I will never be able to say goodbye too. Friends for a lifetime, I feel like I have known them forever. I don't know what I would do without them. My family continues to support me as I try my best to learn their language and communicate with them. They are extremely patient with me and I feel at home. They continue to put a smile on my face everyday and that is what is most important to me.

My Spanish is coming along. I wish it where better, but I know it takes some time. It's difficult and the language barrier is tough.  It is hard to not be able to say what is on your mind or to express your emotions the way you wish you could. I just tell myself that one day I will be able to say everything I want and that that day is getting closer and closer. I look forward to dreaming in Spanish!

Most importantly, thank you to my parents at home. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them both and miss them. I want to thank them for being able to give me this opportunity of a lifetime. All of their support keeps me going. I hope I am making them proud! I can't wait until they visit and I can show them my life for the past year. That day when they are in Chile will be here before I know it. I also want to thank them for their very generous care packages. I love them all. I love you Mom and Dad, and thank you so much. It means the world to me to be able to be studying abroad. A dream come true thanks to the both of you. I love you both!